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The GoodGuide app instantly reveals whether products are safe, healthful, green, and socially responsible while you shop. The app’s barcode scanning feature lets you quickly access GoodGuide’s science-based health, environment, and social ratings for over 170,000 products. Learn more » |
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More Ammo to Fight Childhood Obesity
Now that school children are eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and drinking healthier beverages under the new federal standards for school meals, a key component of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the USDA wants to turn up the heat even more in the fight against childhood obesity. It’s seeking to create a nationwide policy that will ensure all foods and snacks sold in schools that aren’t part of the school meal program meet strict nutrition requirements.
Read about these requirements and the details of the proposed policy in this month’s E-News Exclusive by Debbi Beauvais, RDN, SNS, school nutrition director for the Gates Chili Central and East Rochester Union Free school districts in Rochester, New York.
After reading the article, make sure you visit Today’s Dietitian’s website at www.TodaysDietitian.com. You’ll find the digital edition of the June issue, which features a special men’s health and nutrition section, plus the latest news and information that’s relevant and reliable to daily practice. We welcome your feedback at TDeditor@gvpub.com. Enjoy the e-newsletter, and follow Today’s Dietitian on Facebook and Twitter.
— Judith Riddle, editor |
A Proposal to Improve the Federal School Meals Program
By Debbi Beauvais, RDN, SNS
It’s been 18 months since the new federal standards for healthier school meals went into effect nationwide to ensure kids receive larger portions of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. To improve on these standards, the USDA released a proposed rule in February to develop a national policy on the sale of competitive foods in schools called the “Smart Snacks in School” proposal.
The proposal seeks to make all competitive foods and beverages, which are sold in schools but are not part of the federal school meals program, more nutritious. Competitive foods include baked goods, bagged snacks such as potato chips, ice cream, sports drinks, and soda that often are sold in vending machines, school stores, snack bars, and on à la carte menus. The proposed rule is the first step in the process to create national standards for these foods and will ensure that they contain no more than 200 kcal and 200 mg of sodium per serving, derive no more than 35% of total calories from sugar or fat, and include no trans fat.
The new proposed standards draw on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, existing voluntary standards already implemented by thousands of schools around the country, and healthful food and beverage offerings currently available in the marketplace.
Full Story » |