A "HEART"-y Special for February
Buy one self-study course, and get a heart health course FREE! Visit our CE Learning Library any time for the remainder of February, choose a course to purchase and a Heart Health course, then use coupon code HEART17 at checkout to redeem your free course.
For this special, one coupon use per customer. Learn more »
Upcoming Live Webinars
Culinary Strategies to Spice Up Your Clients' Kitchens
In this 1 CEU webinar, presented on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, from 2-3 PM EST, Shayna Komar, RD, LD, and Chef Nancy Waldeck work in collaboration to provide practical strategies that RDs can use to help clients prepare food quickly and healthfully, along with kitchen techniques that can be easily adapted by clients. Register Now »
Meditation for Dietitians: Applications in Science and Life
This 1 CEU webinar, presented by Jenna Hollenstein, MS, RDN, CDN, on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, from 2-3 PM EDT, will review the current research on meditation in physical and psychological health. Meditation for dietitians will be discussed, with particular emphasis on the benefits for the dietitian personally, professionally in the delivery of nutrition care, and for our nutrition clients. A simple breath awareness meditation technique will be introduced and participants will practice a short meditation together. Sponsored by StarKist. Register Now »
Free Recorded Webinar
An In-Depth Look Into the Dietary Guidelines
This complimentary 1 CEU recorded webinar, presented by Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, will discuss what the first year of living with the 2015 Dietary Guidelines has revealed to registered dietitians. She will also explore practical strategies for counseling patients and clients in order to achieve the most current understanding of the Dietary Guidelines' recommendations. Sponsored by Monsanto. Register Now »
2017 Spring Symposium
If you're a dietitian who loves learning about your chosen field, needs CEUs, enjoys meeting and networking with other RDs, and wants to visit one of America’s most colorful destinations, then you should plan to join us at the 2017 Spring Symposium in New Orleans May 21 to 24.
Alongside fellow nutrition professionals, you can earn up to 20 CEUs in our sessions and workshops, which will be presented by some of the leading voices in dietetics.
Registration does not include accommodations or travel to and from New Orleans.
a product or service you want to market to dietitians
and nutrition professionals or an open position that
you need to fill quickly? Today’s Dietitian offers many flexible advertising programs designed to
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sponsorships, website advertising to direct mail opportunities, Today’s Dietitian helps achieve
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Coming up in our March issue is our Nutrition Showcase. Email a sales representative to be part of this unique advertising opportunity.
AlliedHealthCareers.com is the premier online resource to recruit nutrition professionals.
Post your open positions, view résumés, and showcase your facility's
offerings all at AlliedHealthCareers.com! |
In the March Issue
The Wide World of Sports
Kroger's The Little Clinic
The RD’s Role at End of Life
An Update on WIC |
Track and Share Fitness Adventures
The Strava app (www.strava.com), available free for iOS and Android, gathers cyclists’ and runners’ data such as speed, elevation, calories burned, heart rate, power, and cadence while they work out and creates graphics of these stats. The app shares metrics with other users and offers information including what local trails are popular and how other users performed on a certain route. The app is compatible with GPS watches, fitness trackers, and head units. Learn more »
Meditation for Mindfulness on the Go
The Meditation Studio app (www.meditationstudioapp.com), available for $3.99 for iOS and Android, offers unlimited access to more than 200 meditations led by 27 leading meditation experts. Collections and courses of meditations include those for stress, sleep, anxiety, chronic pain, relationships, changing habits, and quick breaks during the day. The app also provides meditations specifically for moms, kids, veterans, and first responders. Learn more » |
From messenger bags and tote bags to apparel and journals, the Today's Dietitian gift shop has the perfect gift for long-time professionals, recent grads, or even the RD-to-be. Check out our secure online shop today or call toll-free 877-809-1659 for easy and fast ordering. |
Have a dietetics-related question that you'd like our expert Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, to answer? Email TDeditor@gvpub.com or send a tweet to @tobyamidor, and we may feature your query! |