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June/July 2024 Issue

Circadian Rhythms and CVD
Often, people solely focus on common lifestyle factors such as smoking cessation or a healthful diet in the prevention of heart disease, but the timing of habits may play an equally important part. Discover the latest research on how one’s daily schedule—such as eating and sleep patterns—may impact their cardiometabolic health.

Diagnosing Malnutrition: AAIM or GLIM?
Malnutrition has garnered increased focus in the health care community in recent decades due to the importance of its identification for nutritional interventions. Learn about the current criteria models for diagnosing malnutrition, their controversies, and how their use impacts RDs.

Supercharge Your Summer Salads
Salads are more than just a bed of lettuce and can be a wonderful main dish, especially come summertime when people are eating lighter. Read about the critical nutritional categories that can elevate salads, as well as four delicious summer-themed recipes to try out this season.

CPE Monthly: IDDSI: The New Dysphagia Diet Standard
This continuing education course reviews the new evidence-based standard for defining texture-modified foods and thickened liquids for individuals
with dysphagia.


Publisher's Note

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Online Food Shipping Tech

Dietetics Education

Brain Health

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Culinary Corner

May 2024 Issue

Wine Intake and the Med Diet
The Mediterranean diet has been praised for its healthfulness, and its guidelines include wine in moderation. But how healthful is this alcoholic beverage? Find out what the current research says for wine consumption as part of the Med diet.

Nutrition's Impact on Cognitive Decline
Cognitive decline is a normal part of aging. However, choosing an evidence-based, brain healthy dietary pattern tailored to individual preferences and cultural traditions can slow disease progression and make a difference in patient care.

Menopause and Eating Disorders
Women going through menopausal transition are at higher risk of developing an eating disorder and being undiagnosed due to societal myths. Discover the prevalence of eating disorders during this time and strategies for RDs to help potential at-risk clients.

Improving IVF Outcomes
While in vitro fertilization is on the rise, it isn’t a foolproof method for conception alone. Learn about the complexity of infertility and the important roles nutrition and lifestyle play to increase success rates.

CPE Monthly: Nutrition Guidance for People With ALS
This continuing education course examines nutrition interventions to support people diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Lifestyle and dietary challenges are explored with the goals of preventing malnutrition, maintaining muscle strength, and identifying therapeutic practices to promote quality of life.


Editor’s Spot

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Allergy-Free Eating


Convenience Foods

Focus on Fitness

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Health Matters


Culinary Corner

April 2024 Issue

Omega-3s & Childhood Development
Intake of omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for promoting healthy infant and toddler health. Today’s Dietitian examines the research on these long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and provides strategies to boost intake during the early stages of life.

Mindful Eating
The popularity of mindful eating has increased over the years and so has a misunderstanding of its true definition and purpose. Revisit the basic principles of mindful eating and determine whether it’s a good fit for everyone.

What Do RDs Really Think About Sustainability?
Here’s a comprehensive review of the findings from the 2023 Sustainability and Food Insights Survey from Today’s Dietitian in partnership with Food + Planet and Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future.

CPE Monthly: Antinutrients in Foods
This continuing education course explores the diverse effects antinutrients in plant foods may have on health and discusses strategies for minimizing potentially detrimental levels of antinutrients in foods.


Editor’s Spot

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Wearables and Apps

Digestive Wellness


Focus on Fitness

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Culinary Corner

March 2024 Issue

Red Rice Yeast
Red yeast rice is a rising trend in the world of supplements for lowering cholesterol. But should RDs recommend it to clients? Discover what the research says about its safety, efficacy, and dosing recommendations as well as what steps to take when counseling clients.

In Today’s Dietitian’s 15th annual showcase of exceptional RDs, this year’s honorees are pushing the nutrition profession forward and proving that you can enter dietetics in a variety of specialties at any point in life and make an indelible impact.

Culturally Appropriate Food Media
Learn five key strategies for creating recipes, presentations, videos, and other food media that accommodate different palates and honor diverse cultural foodways.

Enteral Nutrition Adminstration
Enteral nutrition is a commonly used therapy for individuals who can’t take food by mouth—but its use often is misunderstood. Explore common misconceptions regarding postop administration, patient positioning, use in the critically ill, and whether or not it should be held to optimize patient outcomes.

CPE Monthly: Blenderized Tube Feeding
This continuing education course reviews guidelines for the use of blenderized tube feeds in the adult and pediatric population in home and acute care settings.


Editor’s Spot

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Home Health Care

Flexitarian Eating

Early Life Nutrition

Focus on Fitness

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News Bite

Culinary Corner

February 2024 Issue

Mental Health’s Link to CVD Risk
Today’s Dietitian explores the impact of mental health on heart
health and the potential for nutrition and lifestyle interventions
to improve both.

Digestive Enzyme Supplements
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are common, and consumers are turning to supplements to manage them. Learn how these remedies may improve digestion and help ease certain GI symptoms in appropriate dosages.

Embracing Diabetes Technology
Diabetes care has become more manageable for clients as new technology-enabled systems have been introduced. Discover how RDs are integrating the use of these new innovations in practice and what advice they have for other nutrition professionals.

CPE Monthly: Hazardous Supplements
This continuing education course explores the research on dietary supplements, potential ingredient interactions, and safety recommendations.


Editor’s Spot

Alternative Milks

Food as Medicine

Dietetics Education

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Culinary Corner

January 2024 Issue

Celebrating 25 Years!
Today’s Dietitian (TD) commemorates 25 years of evolution in the nutrition profession. From shifting approaches to weight management to the rise of gut health’s significance and the pandemic’s huge impact, TD reminisces about the hottest trends and its significance as your quintessesntial resource.

Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
Obesity rates continue to climb throughout the United States, and metabolic and bariatric surgery often is the most effective long-term treatment. Read about its evolution, the types of procedures performed today, and experts’ thoughts on the research.

Postexercise Recovery
Whether working with individuals new to exercise or professional athletes, RDs must be familiar with sports nutrition principles. Learn about a three-pronged strategy for recovery after endurance training and the best options for recovery beverages to share with clients.

Spotlight on Vertical Farming
In an effort to combat the challenges of population growth, less farmland, and climate change, farmers have begun to innovate. Find out how new climate-controlled facilities are fighting these issues and providing healthful food for the masses.

CPE Monthly: Effects of Chronic Dieting and Weight Fluctuation
This continuing education course explores the science behind metabolic adaptation and how RDs can help clients create a more sustainable weight loss journey.


Editor’s Spot

Personalized Nutrition


Career Development

Focus on Fitness

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Culinary Corner